While Photizo Vetcare is generally safe and non-invasive, there are certain considerations to keep in mind:
1. Cancerous Tumors:Avoid using light therapy on cancerous tumors, as it may stimulate blood flow and potentially promote cancer growth in the area.
2. Epilepsy or Seizure Disorders:Some studies suggest that pulsed visible light at frequencies in the 5-10 Hz ranges may induce seizures. The Photizo Vetcare does not pulse in the 5-10 Hz range, however anyone with seizure disorders should avoid looking directly at the light beam emitted from the probe as a preventative measure.
3. Pregnancy:Do not use Photizo Vetcare on pregnant pets, as the effects of light therapy on pregnancy have not been extensively studied.
4. Photosensitivity: Some pets may be more sensitive to light, and light therapy could cause skin irritation. Consult your veterinarian if your pet has a known sensitivity to light.
5. Open Wounds: Open wounds require careful infection prevention and wound management. Before using Photizo Vetcare or any light therapy, consult your vet for proper wound care instructions. Avoid direct application of light therapy on the wound itself and focus on treating the surrounding healthy tissues. Prioritize your pet’s well-being and follow your veterinarian’s advice for optimal wound healing.